Summer is HERE!

I don’t know about you, but regardless of the date, when the kids are done with school- it’s officially summer at my house. We have shorts out, swimsuits, and most importantly- NO MORE SCHEDULES! With 6 kids, no schedules is a huge deal. lol

Since this time of year brings about the most wonderful sunsets and we can stay out later and later, it’s the absolute PERFECT time to schedule a shoot. For the hour prior to the sun going down, the lighting is not only optimal, but absolutely dreamy! Pictures can be made or ruined with lighting. Whether you have a large family, or wanting just a single person shoot, scheduling at this time is the best.

Here are a couple examples:

1) BAD LIGHTING. Even though there is no direct sunlight in the faces or behind the  people, it’s way too washed out. No amount of editing can fix this. This is a classic example of taking pics in the high sun. If you can find shade, then it’s totally fine. But if you are trying to capture a specific pose or in a certain location, it can easily be ruined by bright sunlight.


2) GOOD LIGHTING. This picture was taken around sunset. See how soft the shadows are and how the lighting doesn’t distract away from the subject? In the second picture, you can see clearly how beautiful the setting sun can absolutely make the picture.

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So now you know. Bright daylight- BAD. Sunset (or sunrise- or cloudy day)- GOOD. Plan to book your photoshoot around those times to ensure the best lighting possible. Because seriously- I can and do and work magic, but there’s only so much of it that can fix bad lighting lol.

Have questions? Let me know and I’ll be happy to help!
